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Year 3: Mr Bebbington Mrs Seddon


We hope you find the information on this page useful!

Spellings & Times-tables: tested on Fridays
Homework: Try to do all of the tasks each half-term
PE Days: PE Kit on Tuesday / Swimming on Friday

Remember to read several times a week and record in diaries. Violin lessons are on a Thursday.

Having trouble learning your times-tables?

We all like learning differently. Try TT Rockstars, Hit The Button and practising often at home.

Here for you to check out is Percy Parker and he has a song for every times-table. Good luck!

Knowledge Organisers


Want to recall or revise some key facts for class?

Choose a subject below, and view the 2-sided fact sheet.
Want or lost your own paper copy? Ask your teacher.



Design Tech






Connecting Computers





This term, our English studies take us on a fascinating journey through two compelling reads: "The Wild Robot" by Peter Brown and "The Time Travelling Cat and the Egyptian Goddess" by Julia Jarman. These narratives not only enrich our literary experiences but also align beautifully with our history topic of Ancient Egypt.


Exploring New Worlds Through Literature:


- We begin with "The Wild Robot," a tale that opens up discussions about technology, nature, and survival, setting the stage for critical thinking and connection-making.


- Transitioning to "The Time Travelling Cat and the Egyptian Goddess," we will delve into the rich history of Ancient Egypt, complementing our history lessons and broadening our understanding of myths and cultures.


Our writing focus this term includes a variety of genres to cater to

diverse literary interests and curriculum requirements:


- Non-Fiction: Students will engage in report writing, creating detailed accounts of historical facts and findings about Ancient Egypt.


- Myths & Legends: Inspired by our readings, pupils will craft their own myths, linking historical elements with imaginative storytelling.


- Diaries and Journals: Reflecting personal perspectives, students will write diary entries and journals from the viewpoint of characters or historical figures.


- Emphasis will be placed on enhancing vocabulary and mastering year 3 grammar objectives, including the use of conjunctions, adverbs, and prepositions, to improve clarity and cohesion in writing.


- We will continue to prioritise neat handwriting and presentation, encouraging students to take pride in their written work and striving for recognition as 'Apprentice Handwriters' and 'Master Scribe Handwriters.'

DALL·E 2024-04-15 13.37.12 - Imagine a striped tabby cat with a tiger-like pattern. This c
DALL·E 2024-04-15 14.14.58 - An artistic depiction of Howard Carter, a historical figure,




This Summer term is packed with fun and useful maths activities in Year 3. We'll explore several important areas, helping everyone understand maths in everyday life.


What We'll Learn:


Mass and Capacity:

- We'll start by learning how to measure weights in kilograms and grams, and liquids in litres and millilitres. These lessons will include everyday activities like cooking and shopping to make learning fun and practical.



- We’ll keep working on fractions—like halves, quarters, and thirds. We'll solve problems involving fractions, using a developing sense of equivalence too.



- We'll use real-life examples to learn about money, focusing on how to work out costs and give the right change.



- Understanding time is crucial, so we'll practice telling time to the nearest minute, understand morning and evening times, and learn about the 24-hour clock through daily routines.



- Exploring shapes will let us see how geometry is both useful and beautiful. We’ll look at different shapes and talk about why they matter.



- We’ll gather and make sense of data, using simple charts and graphs. This will also help us in our science projects, where we're studying plants and light.





Welcome to the Summer Term in Year 3 Science!


This term, we continue our fascinating journey through the world of science, wrapping up our in-depth study of plants before moving on to explore the intriguing properties of light. Our curriculum is designed to ignite curiosity and provide a hands-on approach to learning.


Continuing Our Study on Plants:

- Parts of Plants and Their Functions: Students will delve into the different parts of flowering plants—roots, stems, trunks, leaves, and flowers. We'll explore their specific roles and how each contributes to the plant's survival and growth.

- Plant Requirements and Water Transportation: Through engaging experiments, the children will discover what plants need to live and grow, such as air, light, water, nutrients from the soil, and room to grow. We will investigate how water is transported within plants using activities like dyeing flowers to visually track water movement.

- Pollination and Seed Dispersal: The class will examine the process of pollination and learn about the crucial role flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants. We’ll study local plants and possibly simulate the process of bees pollinating flowers to help students understand seed formation and dispersal.


Diving Into Light:

- Understanding Light: Students will learn that light is necessary for us to see and that darkness is simply the absence of light. We’ll discuss how light travels and interact with different surfaces.

- Playing with Reflections and Shadows: Children will discover how light reflects off surfaces and why this is important for seeing objects. They will also have fun with shadows, experimenting with how they are formed and how they change under different conditions.

- Sun Safety: As part of our study on natural light, we will emphasise the importance of protecting our eyes from the sun’s harmful rays, integrating health and science education.


We're looking forward to a term full of growth, discovery, and engaging hands-on science fun, helping our students connect classroom learning with the real world!

DALL·E 2024-01-14 10.32.19 - A detailed close-up image of a single plant, focusing on its
DALL·E 2024-04-15 13.55.18 - An educational classroom scene depicting children exploring t
DALL·E 2024-04-15 13.56.56 - A vibrant classroom scene where children are actively engaged


Summer Term History Update: Exploring Ancient Egypt


This summer, Year 3 embarks on an exciting historical adventure to Ancient Egypt, diving deep into the lives and legacy of the Egyptians. Our journey will unravel the mysteries of this ancient civilisation and explore how it has shaped our understanding of history.



- Life in Ancient Egypt: Students will explore the daily life of Egyptians, from the Pharaohs to the farmers, understanding their societal structure, clothing, food, and daily activities.

- Monumental Architecture: We will delve into Egypt’s architectural marvels, such as the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx. Children will learn about the construction techniques and the purposes these structures served within their cultural and religious contexts.

- Religion and Beliefs: The beliefs, gods, and religious practices of Ancient Egypt will be a central theme. This includes an in-depth look at mummification, the afterlife concepts, and the role of pharaohs as both leaders and divine figures.

- Hieroglyphics: Introducing students to the fascinating world of Egyptian writing, we will explore different hieroglyphs, what they represent, and how they were used to document history and daily life.

- The Nile River: As a key geographical feature, the Nile River’s role in agriculture, transportation, and its influence on the rise and prosperity of Ancient Egypt will be highlighted.


We are excited to journey back in time and uncover the treasures of Ancient Egypt, promising a term filled with intrigue and discovery that will deepen our students’ appreciation for history.

DALL·E 2024-04-15 14.02.57 - A detailed illustration of the Great Pyramids of Giza under a
DALL·E 2024-04-15 14.04.02 - An artistic depiction of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics carve

Word Aware

To help new words stick in your long-term memory, use the Word Aware rap.

Choose a word from your weekly spelling list, and join in with the rap.

Think about...

What does it start with?
How many syllables does it have?
What does it rhyme with?
Can you put it in a sentence?

Share new words with your class.

Basic Maths Skills

Useful Basic Skills for Unconfident Mathematicians

Click on any of the topic videos below to watch some useful revision of basic skills needed in Maths.

Represent numbers to 100

10s and 1s using addition


Numbers to 1000

Numbers to 1000 (PVG)

100s, 10s and 1s (part 1)

100s, 10s and 1s (part 2)

Number line to 100

Number line to 1000

Find 1,10,100 more or less

Compare objects

Compare numbers

Ordering numbers

Count in 50s

Exercise your
"Learning Powers!"


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Click the link.

01270 902055

Manor Road, Nantwich, CW5 5LX

Parents can request a copy of any documents on our website for free. Please contact the school office to make a request.


© 2024 by Nantwich Primary Academy.


TEL: 01270 902055


Privacy Notice for Parents & Visitors


Nantwich Primary Academy is operated by St Bart’s Multi Academy Trust which is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 8735454.


Registered Office: Belgrave St Bartholomew's Academy, Sussex Place, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST3 4TP.

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