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Year 1: Mrs McGhie, Miss Edge & Miss Dempsey
Hello and welcome to Year 1!
We hope you find the information on this page useful.
Homework: Please do some or all of the tasks each half-term
PE Day: Wednesdays & Fridays (please come to school in PE kit)
Tricky Words: Learn your first 100, and first 200 tricky words.
Remember to read at least 3 times a week and record in diaries.
Beginning to learn simple times-tables?
Here for you to check out is Percy Parker and he has a song for every times-table. Good luck!
Knowledge Organisers
In English our main text will be, Grandad's Island by Benji Davies. You can listen to the story here.
We will be working on our sentences, making sure we have put capital letters and full stops in them. We will also be using exclamation marks and question marks. We will be checking for finger spaces and correctly formed letters. As well as this, we will be adding adjectives to our sentences to make them more interesting and using and to make our sentences longer. We will also be using our knowledge of phonics to help with spellings and spelling common words independently.
In Maths we will be l using different resources to help us with addition and subtraction calculations. Will be exploring number bonds within 10 and leaning about fact families and balanced equations. We will be working on numbers to 20 and learning about tens and ones in place value.
In Science we will be looking out for signs that it is Spring towards the end of the term and discussing what Winter has been like. We will also be working on the topic of ‘Plants’ and be learning about different plants and what they need to grow. This will include trees as well as other plants.
In Geography we will be thinking about why Nantwich is such a great place to live in our topic of, 'Nutty about Nantwich'. We will be visiting the town and looking at land use and how people enjoy the town.
We will also be visiting Nantwich Museum to have a tour of the town and compare the Fire of Nantwich to the Great Fire of London.
Word Aware
To help new words stick in your long-term memory, use the Word Aware rap.
Choose words from this list:
and join in with the rap!
Think about...
What does it start with?
How many syllables does it have?
What does it rhyme with?
Can you put it in a sentence?
Share new words with your class.
Basic Maths Skills
Useful Basic Skills for Unconfident Mathematicians
Click on any of the topic videos below to watch some useful revision of basic skills needed in Maths.
Represent numbers to 100
10s and 1s using addition
Numbers to 1000
Numbers to 1000 (PVG)
100s, 10s and 1s (part 1)
100s, 10s and 1s (part 2)
Number line to 100
Number line to 1000
Find 1,10,100 more or less
Compare objects
Compare numbers
Ordering numbers
Count in 50s
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