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EYFS: Mrs Turner, Miss Taylor, Miss Foster, Mrs Bird, Miss Alcott and Miss Dale

Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) at Nantwich Primary Academy and Nursery
Weekly reminders
Bookbags and reading diaries need to be bought into school daily
'Love to Read' books are changed on a Monday and phonics reading books on a Friday
PE is on a Tuesday (children need to come to school in their PE kit)
Homework books need to be bought in every Wednesday

(With audio)


Want to recall or revise some key facts for class?

Choose a subject below, and view the 2-sided fact sheet.
Want or lost your own paper copy? Ask your teacher.

Topic Knowledge Organiser


Physical Development

Personal, Social
and Emotional Development



Knowledge and
of the World

Expressive Arts
and Design


Getting Ready for Reception

Knowledge Organisers


New admissions 

We very much welcome visits to look around our wonderful school – please contact the school office on 01270 902055 to book an appointment to come and meet us!
Children who are turning 5 between 1st September 2025 and 31st August 2026 will be starting Reception in September 2025. Applications for Cheshire East Primary Schools to start in September 2025 are now open. Please visit Cheshire East Admissions 
for more information regarding making an application.

Nursery places 

Nantwich Primary Academy and Nursery provides places for children from the term after their 3rd birthday until they start Reception.  We currently have spaces for children to start in the Spring term 2025.

From the start of the term following their 3rd birthday, all children are entitled to a free 15 hour place (morning sessions 08:30 – 11:30). Some families will be eligible for a free 30 hours place, subject to criteria. Click HERE to check eligibility. 


Autumn term theme

Our theme this term is 'Marvellous Me!'. The children will be learning about what makes them special and unique, their friends, family and local area.

Our learning is very much driven by the children's interests; we have asked them and their families to contri
bute to our planning ideas.


Communication and Language 
We will be reading frequently to the children, engaging them in stories and non-fiction books and providing them with lots of opportunities to embed new vocabulary. In Nursery, we will be focusing on learning songs and nurser
y rhymes and using longer sentences. Children in Reception will be learning how to listen carefully and using new vocabulary in extended conversations. 


Personal, Social and Emotional Development 

We will be sharing the ‘Colour Monster’ book which will help children to identify and manage their emotions. With our younger children, we will be working with them to develop their sense of responsibility and feeling of belonging within our school community and developing new friendships. In Reception, the children will be considering the feelings of others and learning to be resilient. We will also be introducing 'My Happy Mind'; a specialist programme designed for children.


Physical Development 
The children will be spending a lot of time outside which is great for developing their gross motor skills with our climbing equipment, bikes and trikes, gravel pit and space to run. Our weekly PE sessions (on a Tuesday) will focus on the fundamental skills of balance, movement and building core stability. We will also be developing the children’s fine motor skills with ‘Dough Disco’. ‘Squiggle Whilst you wiggle’ and lots of repeated and varied opportunities to develop their control and confidence with their hands.  


The children in Reception will start their daily phonics lessons learning how to recognise phonemes (sounds) and write them. This half-term, the children will learn how to blend sounds together to read simple words.  In writing, we will be focusing on hearing the initial sounds in words and recording these as well as learning to write our names. Children in Nursery will be developing their phonological awareness with lots of listening games, rhyme and alliteration and will be encouraged to use a range of mark-marking tools and materials.  



This half-term, our Reception maths sessions will focus on accurately counting objects, subitising (recognising amounts without counting) and the composition and comparison of numbers. Nursery children will be singing lots of counting songs, learning to recite numbers in order and exploring colour with the Colour Monster.  


Understanding the World 

We will be exploring the changes in seasons and what makes Autumn special as well as looking our for signs of Winter later in the term. We will be introducing woodland habitats to the children and comparing these to where we live.

EYFS Curriculum

The Foundation Stage Curriculum is based on seven areas of learning consisting of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Communication and Language, Literacy, Mathematics, Expressive Arts and Design and Understanding the World.


Our planning, supported by Development Matters, ensures that children learn across the seven areas of the curriculum. We plan that children learn in a variety of ways including child-initiated learning through play and adult-led opportunities both indoors and in our amazing outdoor area.


We promote learning through play as we value its importance. Young children learn best when they explore and experience things first-hand, often in playful ways. Play is essential to development as it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children. It allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity and physical strength. Play is also important to healthy brain development as it enables children to learn about themselves, their environment and the world around them.




At Nantwich Primary Academy and Nursery, we follow 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds revised' in order to teach early reading. Our Nursery children build their language development, story reading, phonological awareness and oral blending skills by following the 'Foundation for Phonics' programme. In Reception, the children start to learn GPCs (letter sounds) and blend these together to read words. Please visit the links at the top of the page from more information and view the videos below to see how to support your child at home. 

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Assessment plays an important part in helping families and school staff to recognise children’s progress, understand their needs, and to plan activities and support. Our ongoing assessment is an integral part of our daily learning; our EYFS staff know children’s level of achievement and interests and are then able to personalise teaching and learning experiences for each child reflecting that knowledge. 


We share some of our daily observations on ClassDojo portfolio so that families are kept up to date with their child's progress and development.


When children join us in Reception they will complete the Reception Baseline Assessment which is statutory for all children. This short and interactive assessment provides us with a starting point for children's early literacy, communication, language and mathematics skills. At the end of the Reception year, the EYFS profile is completed for children which shows their progress across the seven areas of learning which split into 17 Early Learning Goals (ELG) - parents will be informed of their child's progress towards these throughout the year and in a written report in the Summer term.


We see our parents, carers and families as having a vital role in their child’s education and staff meet regularly with them to discuss their children's needs through termly parent meetings and also informal discussions in person and using our communication app 'ClassDojo'. We use the portflio function of ClassDojo which allows families to see their child's learning in school and also contribute to their portfolio by adding evidence of children applying their learning at home and any achievements they have reached. 


This year we will also provide workshops on phonics, reading and maths and how to support children at home.  Our 'Discover and Do' sessions are particularly well attended and the whole family have all been known to thoroughly enjoy sharing the activities on offer and the opportunity to work with their children. 


We are committed to giving our children the best possible start to their school life. We work in partnership with parents, carers and families to ensure their well-being and success in the future.


Word Aware

To help new words stick in your long-term memory, use the Word Aware rap.

Choose a word from the vocabulary section in the knowledge organiser and have a go!

Think about...

What does it start with?
How many syllables does it have?
What does it rhyme with?
Can you put it in a sentence?

Share new words with your class.

01270 902055

Manor Road, Nantwich, CW5 5LX

Parents can request a copy of any documents on our website for free. Please contact the school office to make a request.


© 2024 by Nantwich Primary Academy.


TEL: 01270 902055


Privacy Notice for Parents & Visitors


Nantwich Primary Academy is operated by St Bart’s Multi Academy Trust which is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 8735454.


Registered Office: Belgrave St Bartholomew's Academy, Sussex Place, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST3 4TP.

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