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Subject Snapshot

Our computing curriculum cultivates creativity, resilience, problem-solving, and critical thinking in an increasingly digital world. We focus on IT, computer science, and digital literacy, prioritising online safety and engaging the wider community in our efforts.


Our dedicated computing suite and 1:1 device program provide pupils with opportunities to develop digital competence. Teachers use technology to enhance learning across the curriculum, and assessments enable tailored learning experiences.


The curriculum fosters responsible digital citizenship and local and global community connections. Pupils explore the impact of computing in the 21st century and real-world applications of technology.


By the end of primary education, our pupils are confident communicators, equipped with computing skills

and cultural capital for success in secondary

education and beyond.

Subject Policy

Progression Pathway


At our primary school, we value cultural capital and aim to develop well-rounded, culturally aware students. From Early Years, we foster effective communication, parental engagement, and an appreciation of local cultural diversity.


In Key Stage 1, we build upon these skills within the context of the maths and English curricula. In Key Stage 2, students focus on social, emotional, and mental wellbeing, while expanding their vocabulary and debating skills.

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Our computing curriculum, based on the NCCE scheme of work, encourages students to become responsible digital citizens. By the end of primary school, they develop confidence in expressing their views and opinions in various situations. Weekly, engaging computing lessons inspire curiosity and fascination with technology, preparing students for the real world.


We provide numerous opportunities for children to explore and experience technology, helping them become informed and thoughtful members of the digital community. Our approach to cultural capital supports student success in society, secondary school, further education, and future careers.

Cultural Capital
Computing Progression Pathway.png

A computing progression pathway outlines a structured learning journey for students, ensuring the development of essential skills and knowledge in line with the National Centre for Computing Education's scheme of work. It focuses on three core areas: computer science, information technology, and digital literacy.

The pathway helps educators deliver a balanced and comprehensive curriculum that builds upon previous learning, fosters problem-solving and creativity, and prepares students for future academic and professional success. By offering a clear, step-by-step framework, the progression pathway supports consistent, high-quality computing education across all grade levels.

P2S Computing

Further Information

"Through our computing curriculum at Nantwich Primary Academy we aim to give our pupils the life-skills that will enable them to embrace and utilise new technology in a creative, as well as responsible and safe way in order to flourish. We acknowledge that technological devices and software are an integral part of everyday life and that society is becoming more and more reliant on technology to guide, innovate and develop practice in many sectors of work, education, and daily life.


We will strive to keep children safe on line and provide them with the knowledge and tools to do so. We will also empower parents, carers and the wider community with up to date information regarding keeping children safe online.


We want children to become autonomous, independent users of computing technologies, gaining confidence and enjoyment from their activities. We want the use of technology to support learning across the entire curriculum and to ensure that our curriculum is accessible to every child.  Not only do we want them to be digitally literate and competent end-users of technology but through our computer science lessons we want them to develop creativity, resilience and problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. 


We want our pupils to have a breadth of experience to develop their understanding of themselves as individuals within their community but also as members of a wider global community and as responsible digital citizens. We will use IT and computing to empower staff to work more efficiently, creatively and effectively to improve their teaching and the assessing of the pupils in their class."


Not only do pupils use technology to access the broader curriculum as consumers and creators but pupils also take part in a constantly evolving and exciting computing curriculum the aims of which are outlined below.


  • Provide a broad, balanced, challenging and enjoyable curriculum for all pupils.

  • Meet the requirements of the national curriculum programmes of study for Computing at Key Stage 1 and 2.

  • Develop pupil’s computational thinking skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.

  • Use ICT and computing as a tool to enhance learning throughout the curriculum.

  • To equip pupils with the confidence, skills and capability to use digital tools and technologies throughout their lives.

  • To stimulate interest in new technologies.

  • To enhance and enrich learning in other areas of the curriculum by cross curricular use of ICT

  • To develop the understanding of how to use computers and digital tools safely and stay safe online.


The national curriculum for computing aims to ensure that all pupils:


  • Can understand and apply the fundamental principles of computer science, including logic, algorithms, data representation, and communication.

  • Can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems.

  • Can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems.

  • Are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.

Examples of Cross-Curricular Links


Pupils use e-books and digital libraries to explore various genres, develop reading comprehension skills, and participate in online book discussions.


Pupils research historical events with digital mapping tools and create interactive timelines to demonstrate understanding.


Pupils practice writing using word processing software, focusing on spelling and grammar, and share their work with peers through secure online platforms.


Pupils photograph local landmarks, create digital collages, and annotate them with information about locations and features.


Pupils create simple programs to solve maths problems, like addition and subtraction, using algorithms and basic programming.


Pupils explore digital art, using software and tablet apps to create artwork while learning about famous digital artists.


Pupils use data logging devices and software to collect, analyse, and present data from scientific experiments.


Pupils use music composition software to create melodies and compositions, learning basic music theory and technology's influence on music.


01270 902055

Manor Road, Nantwich, CW5 5LX

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TEL: 01270 902055


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Nantwich Primary Academy is operated by St Bart’s Multi Academy Trust which is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 8735454.


Registered Office: Belgrave St Bartholomew's Academy, Sussex Place, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST3 4TP.

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